Phone: 786-637-3332

Patient Photos

Flexor Tendon Repair

In-office initial visit: 24 y/o male presented after being cut by glass and not being able to close his hand. He was diagnosed with a flexor tendon injury.



Fingertip Crush Injury

A 25 y/o male sustained a crushing injury to his ring finger in a door. His result 6 weeks after operative repair.

Hand Infection

A 32 y/o male sustained a nail gun injury at work and developed an infection. His result 8 weeks after operative debridement and antibiotic and wound therapy.

Hand Knife Cut/Laceration

A 28 y/o male sustained a knife cut while at work as a chef. His result 6 weeks after operative repair.

Severe Arm Infection

88 y/o male developed severe necrotizing infection. His result 8 weeks after post-surgical debridement, antibiotics and wound care.