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Distal Radius and Wrist Fractures

Distal Radius and Wrist Fractures

Any fall, trauma, or motor vehicle accident may cause a break, or fracture, of the wrist. This is sometimes called distal radius fracture. These fractures may be treated non-operatively in a cast, or operatively with plates/screws allowing early range of motion. Operative treatment sometimes eliminates the need for a cast. In addition many times, additional procedures are performed to give you the best results possible, including treatment of any carpal tunnel syndrome or tendon surgery. Traditionally, wrist fractures were kept in a cast for 4 to 6 weeks.

At South Florida Hand Surgery, using the latest techniques, oftentimes you may be able to begin immediate range of motion after surgery, with no need for casting. Your surgeon will go over treatment options and provide recommendations for optimal treatment. Consideration is given to each patient’s unique occupational, as well as occupational/work demands.